Tuesday, 29 October 2013

India Tuesday

After a long awaited nights rest, we still struggled to get out of bed despite the later rise. At quarter to eight, though still sleepy, we managed to board the bus and our tiredness was soon overcome by excitement for the day ahead. The bus took us on a rollercoaster ride to the town of Nallajeera, seeing more and more monkeys as we passed. We were greeted by a group of smiley eager faces, but unfortuanatly we didn't get to spend much time with them because food was ready. Although accompanied by a small but annoying  flock of flies, we managed to succefully finish a suprisingly nice breakfast of savoury doughnut and chai.

The lesson for today was fashion design, the joy on the kids faces as Super Leswell stood dressed up in full costume, cape and all, was a good sign for the lesson ahead. The kids then created their own masterpieces, all we could do was stand and smile, this was something we are going to remember for a long time.

The hilarity of the 'Hanna and Mikey show' certainally had everyone in fits of laughter and as proven by Alice today its easier to play Mikey darts blindfolded. Voices were lost (nancy's especiallly) and ear drums were burst as school children chanted their team names. TEAM HULK SMASH. (the best team ever).

The activities started bringing the usal mayhem and chaos that since yesterday we have come to expect, however the kids enthuiasm made it all worth while. The activities ranged from cricket to origami, and all were a great success. In origami we made butterflies, fortune tellers and paper areoplanes.The planes were most successful as they loved shooting them through the air and we were surprised that none of the kids had heard of the simple planes. We also played cricket with the boys and they are AMAZING they hit the ball miles! They loved it and we also loved it despite them being so much better than we were.

Afte a second dose of the 'Hanna and Mikey show' we had free play, fantasic opportunity to talk and play with the kids, and get to know the them better. 

We then went upstairs where we talked about our new experiences and how we felt about them. Seems like most of us have managed to learn at least one students name.

Our day ended on a very eventful bus ride, due to an accident. One of the buses taking the kids home crashed ( no-one was hurt,luckily ) and as a result we got the chance to ride home with the 30 children who should have been riding on that bus. So there was about sixty people trying to fit in a bus that holds about forty, it was a tight squeeze, but fun, and only lasted until we got to their village and dropped them off.

Today was an eventful day, half way through the week and are still growing strong strong.
-Abi, Nancy and Tom

P.S We all love Mrs.Glover's insperational comments

Shout  Outs
Listen up Penfolds, soph wants you to start writing
Zach misses you Suthies ( but Sam especially )
Love to Dom an Anna from mummy
Sarah Birchley have you recorded all Chloe's programs
Nancy is missing the family, make sure you guys write something
Abz is missing you downham's love you all 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Really enjoying reading your daily blogs.... Very jealous of the great time you are having. Enjoyed admiring Mr Leswell's new work suit!
Mrs Hayler

Unknown said...

hi its your favourite auntie lynsey :-) wow the pictures look amazing and the kids look so happy with the activities you are doing with them. soooo proud of what your doing with these kids we miss you but carry on being a big brave girl!! glad you found ketchup lol iv had a endless supply ha ha ha love you lots baby girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Hi ya my darling what a surprise you can go half way across the world and still manage to find ketchup lol.What an amazing set of photos again you all look and sound like you are having such a amazing life changing experience so many memories so far so many more to come that will last a life time for you and the children. keep going my baby you are making me so proud and yes mummy has been recording your programs even the paradise massive hugs and kisses sent to you we all love you and miss you so very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Doesn't the boy watching Super Leswell look a little bemused? The mad English indeed! I can't be the only person on here who saw the words "bus" and "accident" and had a momentary feel of panic - especially given previous comments about the driving and state of roads - glad no one was hurt. Also enjoying reading Helen's emails on the WHS website - sorry to hear about the slight hitch with some of today's lesson resources but great you all pulled together to resolve the problem. What a great team you are proving to be. Keep up the good work :-) x x x

Unknown said...

Abi we are missing you lots but the blogs helps, it's almost as if we are with you. We love hearing about what you have been up to and that you are loving the experience, would be nice to see some more photos of you (are you hiding?) Dad loves hearing about the monkeys, can we see a photo. Have a good nights sleep and we look forward to the next blog tomorrow. Lots of Love Mum, Dad and Sophie xxxxx

Unknown said...

PS Kiran - thank you for my present - you have great taste x x

Joe Cook said...

Hi Nikita, just to say how much we love you and miss your craziness, but so glad you have taken your crazy ways to share with the children in India!! The photos of the post it note activity were incredible - looks like you and Chloe were crying with laughter!! Well done everyone - doing a great job, keep going.

Love Mum, Sam, Zoe, Melany & Bob xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nyree said...

"Today is gone.Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.
Every day, from here to there,
funny things are everywhere "
Smiley faces, magical.
Joke..... "I went to buy some camouflage trousers but I couldn't find any"
Love you beautiful, thinking if you all the time. Ma, Daddy, Obi, Macy , oh, and Enzo xxxxxxxx

Family Penfold said...

Another brilliant blog,thank you! Today's activities look so much fun! We're all so,so proud of you and what you are doing.Thank you for permission to comment now Sophie...you might get quite a few now!!! We love you so ,so much. Big hugs Dad,Mum and Mills xxxx
p.s all the leaflets are all delivered!!!!!!!

Andi said...

Eden :-
" She's a Rebel,
She's a Saint !
She's the salt of the Earth
And she's in India xxxxx"
Loving the blog am poised everyday waiting to read it.
Daisy and Clem listened intently today :)
Loving the photos it looks amazing.
Well done on your second teaching day the resource's look to have been put to very good use.
Not enjoying the girl to boy ratio at home though :(
Love you lots, actually love you more xxxx
Mum,Dad,Clem and Daisy xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Soph. This all sounds a-maz-ing! We are so proud of you and look forward every day to reading the blog. What wonderful experiences you are having - you know how envious we are and you will have so much to tell us when you are home! Sending loads and loads of love. Grandma and Papa. xxxx

Mary Teakle said...

Another great day and great blog. Good to see the cricket sets are such a hit.... hope the Rowleys aren't getting smashed around the park. M&D x

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa
Yet another brilliant informative blog, lovely to see a clear picture of you too!
Keep appearing in them as we're missing you so much and it helps to be able to see your beautiful face every day (especially without your make up)!
Jordan went off to Cyprus today so Nannie and Grandad are rattling round in the house all on their own. They are missing your singing very much but hope you are sharing your songs with the children there. I hope you're sleeping ok and enjoying the food. Have a good day tomorrow and we look forward to reading the next blog.
Ps: Pierre sends his love.
Love and miss you to infinity and beyond!
Mum, Nannie, Grandad and Jordan.xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Chloe its your daddy love the new pictures of you and the children they are going to miss all of you when you have come home ;0( pleased you have eaten something now 4 days without much food is not good i did put a message on yesterdays blog if can see that? The children look so happy with all the different things you are doing with them proud of you sweetheart hope you cherish the memories you will have from this. loooooooooooooove you xx

P.S Nanny Pat sends her love i spoke to her on Sunday

Marcus Birchley

Andi said...

Hi Eden it's Aunty Jo and The Crazies,
We love you so much,trip sounds amazing,so proud of you.Bella wants to know when she can come visit you in India and Camden wants to hear all about your flights.Maisie just sends a snotty kiss.
We're all singing " Do You Like IceCream ? "
Love you lots Us xxxxx

Unknown said...

Looks like another great day and probably warmer than Blackpool. ..Chloe
All our love Dad, Mum & Aidan xx

Unknown said...

"So shines a good deed in a weary world."
Really enjoying the blog - you are all amazing - Nikita you shine like a star xxx
Tracey & Jamie

Unknown said...

Hi Precious Gracie ......we look forward to the daily blog and everyday makes us more proud. Enjoy another wonderful day tomorrow. Love you lots Nanny & Grandad xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Katie Glover writes...Hello there Nancy...great blog, pictures, today. Looks like You're having a crazy, exciting, brilliant time...hope you are enjoying the curries, donuts and chai! We had curry for tea tonight and thought of you...we miss you so much...the house is so quiet without you (no singing)...would love to see a big smily picture of you on the blog (see if you can arrange this!).....looking forward to reading blogs over next few days. Big love from mum, dad and Stan xxxx

Laura Towner said...

Hi Soph,

Wow this is amazing, sitting at my desk at work in London, its hard to believe you are all there experiencing all of this. Its looks totally fantastic and I love reading the blog every day. Cant wait to hear all about it. Lots and lots of love, Auntie Laura xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Sam always knew you loved him loads, he said he will make up for it when you are back.....lucky you.

Looking forward to seeing today's post, mum and Sam in Manchester seeing Nana, u had a lucky escape there! We all loves you loads xx The Suthies

Neil Higginson said...

Nice to see some kwik cricket stumps in one photo - who's doing the coaching then Megan?? Hope you and the team are well - miss you. M & D xx

Unknown said...

Hi Lily, Wow what an amazing time you are having, we would love to be there too, what an adventure, the children really look as though they are enjoying it, some fantastic photos, each day we look forward to seeing them and can't wait to hear all about it when you return, make the most of it, we miss you lots, love mum, dad and holly xxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi sophie,
looks like you're having a really good time! Can't wait to hear all about it. MISS YOU! xxxxxxxx