Monday, 28 October 2013

India Monday

First day of teaching, and we're already shattered!

After waking up from a great sleep (sans interruption from thunderstorms), we got up at the unspeakable hour of quarter past six, for leaving the hotel at seven fifteen, to get on the bouncy Bus Bonanza.
Despite yesterday's monkey business, none of these featured today. Instead, we were blessed with..... The goat market! Forget the anger and slowing of vehicles this brings, if you go to one place in India, let it be the goat market! (not really). 

Upon arrival, we were greeted with a breakfast of savoury doughnuts (mixed opinions on these) and the chai (a sweet, spiced tea drink). By this time, the kids were already arriving, pouring out of the three buses used to ferry them to and from the school. When they noticed us, their faces lit up in elation- It made us feel instantly welcome! 

By the time we were in our classes, they were nearly full of the children- chattering, smiling and just generally excited to see us. The lessons were spiffing, with (barely) organised chaos. Although the children were a bit rowdy, to say the least, they seemed to be a success. we got a few less kiddies than we expected, but the inferior numbers were easily overwhelmed by their insatiable enthusiasm! They tried (and failed miserably) to teach us some Telugu. 

after lessons were finished, we went  to the barren, but homely upstairs, giving us a brief reprieve from the children. Then we adjourned for the 'Hannah and Mikey Show'. Mikey was a DonLad, entertaining the children with chants, songs, Mexican waves and the... unforgettable game, 'Junk in the Trunk' ( a game from in it to win it). 

after the raucous antics ended, we went off to the first activity. We did superhero mask making-more like superhero mask MAYHEM! after the initial cutting of masks, the glue and paint came out, and the mess ensued. by the end,l was (and still am) covered in shiny glitter. 

after that, we retreated back up the rickety stairs to our sanctuary of calm. We had not one, not two, not three... but FOUR different types of curry (veg:meat ratio: 3:1). 

Then activity number two started. this was the outside one, and it was H-O-T. the sun beat down on us so hard, I honestly thought i was going to melt into a pile of human-coloured sludge! we were playing frisbee, and the initially simple pass-around-the ring soon became a flurry of psychedelic discs flitting through a circle of serious-faced,determined teenagers. This was war. 

Having finished our marathon of physical of activity,we marched to the cramped hall, where it was round two of 'The Hannah and Mikey show'.After much chanting and screaming,There was a 20 minute burst of free play. This was where the energy fuelled tiny rockets known as children were let loose to do as they wished. 

After this brief slice of pandemonial fun, we were dragged away upstairs to let the kids catch the bus, down the muddy post-cyclone roads. Now most of the kids were gone (stragglers remained to study for exams), we began to prepare our resources for tomorrow. Then we hopped aboard the bus to take us home, to the Subhodaya Residence.

All in all, a hard, tiring day,but nothing could beat seeing the smiles on the elated kids' faces at the end of the day. Looking forward to the oncoming excitement.

Over and out.
~Jevhan, Ollie and Charlie.

P.S, Shout out to the wallace mother for a happy B'day!
P.P.S Tom gets credit for DonLAD
P.P.P.S everyone's fit and healthy
P.P.P.P.S We mostly want all parents to reply!


Andi said...

Wow looks beautiful. With plenty of happy smiley faces.
It sounds like your first day of teaching was enjoyed by all !!!
Brilliantly written blog !
Have shared your updates with 'everyone' and they are all loving it and sending their love ( eden - especially Jess x )
Eden you seem a bit camera shy ;)
Love to you all
The Sheltons xxx
Nan and Pops have been coming round for daily updates and sending the link to Nanny x

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great first day very proud of you all. Mrs Hayler.

Joe Cook said...

Everyone looks so happy and excited. Well done for your first teaching day!!

Love the photos Nikita, so proud of my shiny star!!!

Look forward to reading the blog tomorrow - sleep well.

Love you,

Mum, Sam, Zoe, Melany & Bob xxxxx

PS Bob told me today that he wanted to go to India for an activity!!!

Unknown said...

Well done everyone. Lovely to read your blog after work today. So pleased you are all having a good time teaching your lessons and that the children are enjoying them. Even if it's been hot must be great to see the sun after all that rain. Photos are fab. Keep it up.
Abi Nana and Granddad have been reading the blogs and they love them.
Mum, Dad, Sophie, Nana & Granddad. xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like heaven, I love curry and donuts....Roo any chance of getting some of these home???? It's great to have these descriptive insights into your trip, makes us so much calmer with you so far away... The Suthies

Unknown said...

What can I say, your blogs are a welcome additional to our day. We look forward to your update with anticipation. Your first day of teaching and fun seems to have been a great success, well done to you all. All the childrens smiling faces brought tears to my eyes. Sorry Zach you know Im a soppy mare.
All our love The Suthies xx
(Nanna sends her love too Zach x)

Unknown said...

Curry and doughnuts ... my favourite ... I'm so proud of my Princess Grace.... keep up the brilliant work and the very well written daily blogs ... Love Daddy

Mary Teakle said...

Love, love, love your blogs - it all sounds brilliant and you all seem to be bringing lots of excitement and happiness to the children. Well done, we are very proud of you. Looking forward to more tomorrow. Rowley Teakles

mrabp said...

Very envious of all the curry (apart from Kiaya !)Dad resorting to an Indian takeaway tonight!
It looks awesome - glad it's going so well.
You're all superheros !
Love you loads Mum, Dad Kiaya and Saffy xx

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great adventure you lot are having, we are all very very jealous. The kids look like they are having great fun with the lessons you are giving them. We look forward to catching the blog. It brings a little Indian sunshine to rainy blustery Worthing. Keep up the good work!
Steve and Katie O'Melia

half of this isn't true (sorry) said...


- we still dont have a puppy, i'm working on it
- series 6 burn notice is v good we will deff re watch it when u get back
- saff is fine and has made a moon crater in ur bed
- here is a good luck text elephant bc ur in india
- i think i need a pic of u hi5ing a kid that looks most like u
- hope ur having an brill brill brill time and are all teaching like pros!!! enjoy the week!!!
kiaya x x x

Unknown said...

All looks amazing. Lots of love Chloe from Mum Dad & Aidan xx

Unknown said...

Wow another great blog - as others saying reading them has become a complete highlight of every day. Lovely photos once again - Kiran looks like you were playing duck duck goose?! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes - I shall open your card and present in the morning but seeing all your smiling faces and hearing about your wonderful adventure really is the best gift ever. Have another wonderful day tomorrow. Much love x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa
Sounds like you had fun today, I hope the thunderstorm didn't keep you awake last night! Pierre told me off for not mentioning him in the last message, he sends his love and hopes you're doing ok. Keep up the good work Sweetheart, and know that we're all thinking of you and missing you lots. Have you taught the children any songs yet? Ha ha!
Loads of Love
Mum, Nannie, Grandad and Jordan.

Family Penfold said...

Hiya Sophie (and All!). We've obeyed your order not to post so far but reading the latest blog, (p.p.p.p.s!), we thought it would be ok?! If not, sorry!!! Loving the blogs each day and really looking forward to the next instalment. So great to see you all enjoying the experience and putting all your hard work into practice - the children all looked like they were having so much fun! Sending lots of love, hugs and kisses Soph. Mum, Dad and Millicent! x x x

Unknown said...

omg so far it looks and sounds amazing we are all loving the blogs and pictures we are all so proud of you we miss you so very much just seeing you with the kids and what you are doing makes it worth it. Nanny and granddad are actually keeping up with it all on there computer lol she says hi, love you, hope you enjoy your time with the children. Charlie said can he come and see you in india bless him. Curry for dinner then when you come home hee hee big hugs and kisses to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nyree said...

"unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
Stay strong Gracie,... Here's a joke to make you smile...
"I went on the holiday of a lifetime last week....................................., never again!"
Thinking of you all the time.. Really proud of what you're doing.
Love Ma xxx

Unknown said...

Well done everyone on an excellent day's teaching. Sounds very hard work, but then all the worthwhile things in life tend to be like that.

I hope that Kate is dealing with all the spiders, snakes and cockroaches with her customary grace..

Tim (the only Carmichael not to make the trip)

P.S. India veterans George and Juliette say hi to their Mum and to Janaki. Both inspirational people.

Nyree said...

p.s. Make a scooby for me......pleeeeease, xxx

The Hig said...

So great to read your blogs and see the photos. Makes us feel part of the whole experience. (well almost)
They sound like a fabulous bunch of kids - enjoy their energy - well done on getting through your first day.
(Thinking of you Megz!)
The Higgys

Unknown said...

Hi Kiran hipe your having s good time! You will be glad to know when you get back we are having curry for dinner! !:)

Unknown said...

Charlotte, you and the team look like you are having an amazing time. We look forward to reading your blog everyday. It is a race to see who reads it each day! Gary wants the doughnut recipe please.
Hope your 2nd day in the classroom is just as successful as todays.

Love to you and the team.

Mum, Dad & Gary x x x

P.S Now I know the name of the 'mystery man'!

mrabp said...

Jed -
What powers did the superhero activity session give you? Would appear from the blog to be even an more extreme ability to cogitate about food and drink than normal! I've left a babel fish for you to collect at the goat market to help with the telugu (as well as Vogon poetry in case there are any passing intergalactic tourists from Vogsphere).
Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Hi Chloe got your txt message today so pleased that your ok and your second lesson went ok miss you sweetheart can't wait to have you home but i am also pleased that your there and having a fun time sorry to hear that your home sick but thats to be expected but make the most of the experience and seeing how other people live there lives compared to us ;0) I have tried to phone you loads of times but the signal not good kept going to voice mail look forward to reading more blogs and seeing more pictures love you.xxxxxxx

p.s I have to say you can go all the way to the otherside of the world and you can still find

Marcus birchley