Thursday, 31 October 2013

India Thursday

Last night we all experienced the crazy but fun, tuk tuk rides. It was complete and utter chaos! We got onto the tuk tuk and got driven down to the sari shop. Once we got off the sickly vehicle we walked into a very colourful paradise of different materials. The boys had a very interesting way of measuring the sari's for the women in their families. (Jim's body shape plus boobs) We all came out of the shop with many purchases for ourselves and our families. (Don't be surprised if we come home in our sari's, we are planning to flash mob the airport) We jumped on yet another tuk tuk ride (lucky us) we arrived back at the hotel okay (thank god) and fell straight into bed.

 Yet another early morning, we set of for our final full day at the school :( We hopped onto the bouncy bus bonanza, to be greeted at the school by all of the childrens smiley faces. 
Joke for everyone. What three syllable word does not exist in the Indian language....... SUSPENSION!  (Jevhan's Joke)

For breakfast we had egg omlets, with a hint of spice. And we all loved them! (Yay to nice english food) After our fullfilling breakfast we headed down to our classes to teach another one of our fab lessons. All of the children were in high spirits after our morning of teaching, and we headed to the hall for the one and only Mikey and Hannah show! The task for today was the ‘pass the bean bag with no hands’ game (it was'nt as naf as you think because of the rubbish title) All four team members from each group, stood in a line with one bean bag under one players neck. The aim of the game is to pass it down the line and back to each player without using your hands. The children found this hillarious to watch, and were having a good time. The teams got to get one child from their teams each to come up to the front and have a go too, they had a blast.
Our lunch consisted of, DRUM ROLL PLEASE ...... dundundunduundundun....... CURRY! But we dont mind, as long as we want to survive out here!

Our afternoon activities were very energetic and chaotic. Due to such activities as: Musical stuff, dancing, cricket, football, cape and mask making. We are also learning a lot of the childrens names and this seems to mean a lot to them as it brightens up their little smiles when we do. It was then time for a second round of the Hannah and Mickey show. the unlucky victims for this round were: Chloe B, Mellisa, Ollie, and Eden. The game this time was an egg and spoon race. Sounds easy right, (wrong) we also had obstacles. There were cones, a bench to climb over, a limbo bar, and a hoop to climb through. After the leaders doing it sort of successfully, a few children from the encouraging audience participated. This was such fun for everybody to watch. 

Then followed by free time. The team were allowed to have their cameras out to take photos and majority of the children were trying their hardest to jump into the photos. 

When the kids were leaving to go home after another day packed with excitement some of the team went to have a browse in the town of Nallarajera. We will then leave to go back to the hotel for dinner and a chilled everning. Maybe some  of us will play the chess champion team staying in our hotel again tonight. They won, they are the 3rd best chess team in India. (Ha we have no chance, we have lost everytime!) 

We would also just like to say thank you for your comments as they keep the whole team focused and motivated. Share our amazing journey with everyone you know! 

Peace out! Love Chloe B and Nikita

P.S – Happy Halloween! Wooooeeeeeooooo (don't have to many sweets without us!)

Melissa: love you and missing you all, can you please tell francesca to look at the blog? Xx
Gracie: hiya can ma pick me up some scoobies from hanwells please? Addicted! Xxx
Zach: hi guys thank you for commenting have fun in manchester and have fun on halloween. BTW the chance of you having a good time is 3:1!
Eden: Hey mum, thanks for the comments again, loved the lyrics made me smile :-) have fun at halloween, so jealous:( love to everyone xxxx
Hi to the Angmering girls parents who don’t leave comments on the blog!

Note from Helen: forgotten to put photos on memory stick for the internet cafe!
enjoy reading this and will run back and get them!



Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing Mr Leswell, Mr Loversidge, Ms Guirey, Mr Williams and Mr Fenlon in their sarees on Monday! Loving your blog thanks so much for sharing your days with us all.
Mrs Hayler

Unknown said...

Looks like your sari shopping trip was great fun - a well deserved break. Enjoy your last day at the school tomorrow - it's bound to be emotional but just think of it as the end of just one adventure - the first of many if you so choose. We just can't wait to hear all about it when you get back X x x x

Andi said...

Eden :-

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right,
I hope you had the time of your life.

Love you to the moon and back, twice xx

Love the blogs I would have spent days just admiring the fabric :) India looks an amazing place.

Can't wait to see your photos
Clem has a message:-
" I've been on colossus but detonator made me feel sick and the Scalextric has taken up the whole floor of your room ( cheeky grin ! ) love Clem xxx "

Love mum,dad, clem, daisy and Hot Buns xxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Chloe B looks like you have had another nice day i am well jell that you have been on a tuk tuk i bet that was an eye opener as i have heard stories from the indian guys that i work with about how mad the roads are over there lol Nice to see you all have had some english food makes a change from curry ;0) How was the market looks amazing how many Sari's did you buy i hope you got mum one ;0) already looking forward to tomorrows blog..xx take care sweetheart miss you xxxx

Marcus birchley

Unknown said...

Hi Charlotte, This time last week we where waving you all off for an adventure of a lifetime! Well the blogs have certainly informed us that it certainly has been. You will all leave lasting impressions on all those lives you have touched along with all of the friends that you have made too.
Enjoy your final day at this school, on this trip. Hold on tight to everything that you have learn't ready to share with us. Cant wait to have you in my arms, take care have FUN and keep going you are all doing amazing things.
Love Mum x x x
P.S Would love to hear from you !

Anonymous said...

Seeing happiness in all the photos is great, everyone smiling enjoying themselves, what an experience you are all having, just don't forget to bring it home with you, those little things that wind u up, not that important really are they! Love TheSuthies xx

Unknown said...

Hi Kiran I have been trying to comment for days now but just can't get it to work - Emma's back now so on her log in. Have really enjoyed following your blog every day. Fantastic photos too. Hope the children enjoyed the skeleton activity after all that cutting out we did! Looking forward to seeing you on Monday - if you don't decide to stay!
lots of love Grandma xxx

half of this isn't true (sorry) said...

hey bru
hope its all going good, it sure sounds like ur all enjoying it :----)
we r laughing at ur ability 2 sniff out a chess board, u need to introduce them to blitz chess or kp chess!!!
Good news; - sherlock isnt out till jan false alarm postponed for u lot
Bad news; - using ur karate gi as a worst case Halloween costume
Saffy is dressing up as a ghost or a bat we're not sure yet
(still dont have a puppy)
have a brill last day at school tomorrow give the kids st to remember :---)
see ya soon
luv kiaya innit x o x

mrabp said...

Thanks again team India. Your blog, photos and enthusiasm are keeping the sun shining in a dull wet and windy Worthing.

ps Jed, please don't run away and join the Chess team, we want you back

pps can you bring us back a goat (but no monkeys thanks) ?
Loads of love Mum xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Charlotte Wow what a great time you're having, the daily blogs have brought sunshine (and monkeys) into our lives! So much to take in, it feels like you're experiencing it all at 100 miles an hour! We can't wait to hear more. I'm sure the last day will be just a great, hopefully not too tearful.
Take care, safe journey home.
Hope the suitcase is easier to shut!!!!
lots of love, see you soon.

Nyree said...

Hey Baby Gracie...gonna be tough to say goodbye.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it's happened". The boys are carving pumpkins tonight and going trick or treating.. Don't worry, I'm gonna save you the biggest pile of sweets in the world! Can't believe the stuff you've seen and you're only a little bitty pretty one. Can't wait to see you, will have scoobies at the ready. Love Ma xxx p.s. To infinity and back x

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa
Thank you for the "shout out" again, it's comforting to get a message from you Sweet.
I've sent Francesca a message and given her the blog address so ghopefully, she'll read all about the fantastic work you've been doing out there. How did the Sari shopping go? Did you enjoy your ride in the tuk - tuk?
Nannie and Grandad are coming to Pierres this weekend, I'm looking forward to seeing them as I've missed them too. Please try and get in a photo tomorrow as I struggled to see your face in any today. I hope your last day at school goes well and you make the most of having this wonderful experience.
Love and Miss you bucket loads.
Mum, Nannie, Grandad and Jordan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lucy said...

Hey Eden. I am missing you sooo much but I know you will be having a great time.The blogs and pictures are making me smile, India looks really pretty. Your mum has come round nearly everyday I think she's lost without you. Halloween will be strange without you but at least your home on Monday. Love you loads(that's a lot)xxxxx Lucy xxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Roo (aka Zach)

Glad to see your smiling face in the sari shop!!!!!!!! At least nothing changes when your shopping.
Sam and I are enjoying Manchester, we all sit down with our cups of tea to listen to all the latest adventures and looking at the pictures , we've all agreed its better than "The Archers" .......
Amanda is coming over to Paul's with her 3 kids tonight, Sam's very excited as he's just realised he's not the youngest in the family.
Love the shout outs, but I didn't read this last one out for obvious reasons. Enjoy you last few days. Missing you madly, Izzy sends her love as do all of us.
Take care The Suthies (Mum) xx

Unknown said...

Have really enjoyed all your blogs. Very proud of you all and can't wait to see you back in school next week and to start hearing of all your adventures.
Keep looking after each other.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


So lovely to read the blog and see the pics. Nanny loves the sari shop!
Well done you.

Loads of love from Nanny and Grandad and all the family.
xx xxx

Unknown said...

Love the Blog and some more great photos. Enjoy your last day at the school tomorrow, I bet you will be very sad to go. Abi hope you have taken lots of photos and we can't wait to hear about your adventures..
lots of love Mum and Sophie. xxx
Dad's out tonight and also sends his love to you.xx

Joe Cook said...

Hi Nikita - more great photos thank you & loved reading the blog. Looks like you all are having an amazing time - well done. xx

Waiting nicely for monday for a hug, maybe?XXXX

Lots of love Mum & all the family, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Have loved seeing the fantastic things you have been doing, what a week you have had, an experiance you will never forget, have a lovely last day at the school tomorrow, those children will remember this forever,Looking forward to hearing all about it. (Mick says you won't want one of his curries for sometime) Love to you both Nan and Mick

Nyree said...

Grace, what D'ya want for dinner on your first day at home? Is there anything you've been craving? I've booked Monday off so we can have a nice lunch too. Let me know what you fancy xxxx

Family Penfold said...

Loved the photos of you all having a great time last night! What an experience! Todays lessons looked great,as always! Loved the photo of the dance lesson(?)Sophie.Enjoy your last day teaching. Sending loads of love and hugs. Loads and Loads of love Mum,Dad and Mills xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s Millie said she found the Pet rescue game (on her phone) that the lady in the chemist was talking about!!!!!xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi to 'The Angmering Girls' and the rest of the crew.
It looks like you're having an amazing time. Tara I hope you're bringing back a few good recipes and we've booked noo noos for when you're home- thought you might miss curry! Xx Mum and Dad

Andi said...

Hi Honey. ( Eden )

We have been reading and seeing the blog daily with great interest.You look to be having a brill time, can't wait for a hug though. LOL
Pops wants to know if you've kept up with the cricket score and he hopes you joined in playing it.
Nan nans has loved seeing the photos is wants you to bring home some sunshine :)

all our love
Nan Nans and Pops xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween Eden! That's from Effi, she said she 'missed you so very much' today! She of course did her trademark poo in the sheltons company, so luckily you missed that ;) Been reading the blog everyday and sounds like you're having a blast! Ef's been asking to see all the pictures and has been trying to spot you and asking what you're doing! Can't wait to hear all about it when your home. Maybe we'll have to get a curry and you can reminise hahaha! Lots of love Alix & Ef xxx

Unknown said...

Ok I don't know why it came up as effi and not Alix! X