Thursday, 31 October 2013

india thursday photos

Here you go!
Apologies if I am not getting in lots of photo of every student - there's a lot of them to feature on slow internet!


Unknown said...

Hi Chloe B looks like you have had another nice day i am well jell that you have been on a tuk tuk i bet that was an eye opener as i have heard stories from the indian guys that i work with about how mad the roads are over there lol Nice to see you all have had some english food makes a change from curry ;0) How was the market looks amazing how many Sari's did you buy i hope you got mum one ;0) already looking forward to tomorrows blog..xx take care sweetheart miss you xxxx

Unknown said...

oh how funny whats the game how many elephants can you fit in one vehicle lol. no seriously the rides in the tuc tucs look amazing,how cool are all those sari's so many to choose from I hope you managed to get one they all looked so good.It makes my day seeing you in the photos as im missing you so much you look like you are having so much fun but please still come home. HAPPY HALLOWEEN,taking Charlie out trick n treating later in his pirate outfit bless him will try and save you some sweets lol.It all looks like it is going so well hope the weather is still good for you? have a another great day tomorrow darling keep smiling cant wait for tomorrows entry lots of hugs and kisses sent your way mummy xxxxxxxxxxxx

CRED Foundation said...

well done team very proud of all you are doing. Jim size saris? must have some big family members!! Have a great weekend and dont forget to look back at all the memories you have made, people you have encouraged and lives you have touched. You are heros one and all! safe travels Paul Sanderson

Mary Teakle said...

Looks like another great day. The tuk tuk rides looked great fun, hope the driving wasn't too mad. Looking forward to seing Dad's sari - or am I supposed to be the same size as Jim.....
The pictures are amazing and I know the memories you are making now will be ones you hold for the rest of your lives - I am sure the children at the school will too. Keep safe and enjoy tomorrow. L.U.L.T. M&D xxx

mrabp said...
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mrabp said...

Those tuks look positively luxurious!

Was bollywood playing loudly?
(ear splittingly)

Dhum I+II+III.

Kids prepping for haloween.. i guess your all alseep by now.
(18.00 here)

hoping the next few days are as fab!
x x x dad n saffy

The Hig said...

I can't help chuckling every time I read your blogs. You sound like you are having so much fun. Yummmm reckon I could eat curry everyday....well maybe one day off each week would be good. Megan you look great in that sari, I hope you bought it. Nice to see a photo of Helen too. Stay safe all of you. Love to all (especially Megz. )

Anonymous said...

Hey Nancy, dad here. It looks like you are all trying to cram in as much as possible in the last few days. Halloween tonight. We haven't bought any sweets so here's hoping no trick'ortreaters come a'callin tonight. Tell Jevster his mum and dad are coming round here for a takeaway and scary films because big sister is having a party at home. Is Friday your last teaching day? Hope it's a good one. So has this given you a desire to be a teacher? Or too much like hard work eh? Speaking of which your brother has started his voluntary work and they are making him work hard. We miss you Noonoo. Looking forward to you comin back. Lots o'love, dad

Anonymous said...

Nancy...just a bit from mum...miss you so much...great to see some pictures of look like you are working hard but having fun. Hope you really enjoy your last day at the school tomorrow...hope it's not too sad saying goodbye.
Really, really proud of you. Mum xxxx

Neil Higginson said...

Wow - TAXI!! Looks as if you are all having a great time. Trick or treat time over here so time to lock the doors and swith the lights off!! Love to you all - especially Megz H xx

Neil Higginson said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Charlotte,
Looks like you're having a great time, especially in the tuc tucs. Jay has asked after you and looks forward to seeing you. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Unknown said...

I have been keeping up with the blog all week and can't believe all that you have done! This will stay with you forever. Have a great trip home and well done to everyone.