Friday 10 April 2015

Spring has truly sprung!  

CRED is all about growth: the growth and impact of our amazing Partners, and the personal growth we see in everyone who takes part in CRED Team Trips (  

It's such a privilege to play a part in changing the lives of streetkids in Rwanda or Zambia, or women escaping commercial sex work and trafficking in Ethiopia, or communities escaping poverty through education and enterprise in Uganda, India, or Kenya.  Team Trips provide money for CRED to serve our Partners in lots of different ways.

But we also see incredible impact for young people in the UK who join us on these Trips as they serve these Partners and their communities.  We were especially proud to launch CRED 360 Trips in 2014, a different model for young people facing particular challenges in their lives, e.g. NEETs, young offenders etc.

We'd love to grow and achieve even more!  

We have big ideas.. We want to double the amount of Team Trips we can offer to young people and schools / colleges around the country so that our Partners can grow too.  The 360 Trips have proven to be an incredible catalyst for change, but we want to improve the programme and make it accessible for anyone who will benefit from it.

Can you help us grow?

Today we're launching the 10x10 Challenge...  10 days from the 10th April to raise £10,000 so we can keep sowing into our amazing Partners and Participants! 

We're inviting friends and supporters to give or grow £10.  donation of £10 from each of you would be amazing - if everyone who knows us donates, we'd easily reach the target.  But can you grow £10?  

For example you could:

- set up a £10 monthly donation
- invite 10 friends to take part, or match fund your donation
- buy ingredients for cakes or biscuits to 'sell' for donations
- buy snacks and invite people round for a fundraising video night
- get sponsorship for a 10 mile run?!

If you'd like to donate, please visit our donation page, which can also be used to set up monthly direct debits:  

If you'd like to donate by Text, you can text ‘CRED13 £10’ to 70070.  (The £10 donation will be taken out of your next bill, with no charge for the text itself).

If you can grow £10, please: 

1)  Share this blog post, our Facebook posts and tweets (#10x10Challenge, #giveorgrow), invite others to give or grow £10.

2)   Click here for some fundraising ideas (nicked from our Teams guidance)

3)   Do whatever you can do by the 20th April!

Thank You!

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