Sunday, 14 February 2016

Saturday 13th February by Oli, Bailey, Dan and Dave

Hello and thank you for all the responses, we all enjoy reading them and listening to them be read out. 

Today we left butterfly space and have been travelling all day to Liwonde where we will stay over night and then tomorrow go for a safari. So as there’s nothing much to report back, we thought we would talk about our whole week at Butterfly.

As you can probably imagine, we have all been inspired and impacted by the many people we have met and spent time with over the past few days. Teaching in St Maria Goretti school has been absolutely amazing and it is great to see how we have helped the children and been able to watch them progress after each lesson. We have had an amazing time and made so many new friends and unforgettable memories that will stay with us forever.

Even though the things like home visits were hard, seeing the children happy and learning makes up for it. A highlight of the week for us was the youth group, when we got to spend time with the kids that live close to Butterfly Space and play games, sing songs and talk to them. It is amazing to see how happy they are despite having so little. 

The culture in this country has been a massive transition from that at home. From the animals you see on a day to day basis (monkeys are the Malawian foxes) to the way people make a living, being here has truly felt like being on a different planet. We have all seen this as a positive breaking down of barriers to our vision about the world and its inhabitants. As well as the children in the school, individuals we have spoken to everywhere have been sources of encouragement. From the men on the market stalls to the musicians and long term residents of our accommodation, everyone has had a story and something to give.

This brings us smoothly onto the Butterfly Space project and its breath-taking founding lady, Alice. Of everyone we have met, there is no doubt that Alice has been an outstanding idol for all us, showing incredible drive and passion to achieve 10 years (and counting) of success in spreading her ideas and goals of helping those without the resources to help themselves.

More updates to follow as usual! Fingers crossed for plenty of animals on the reserve tomorrow morning.

Thanks again for the comments and staying on track with our adventure,
All the best from Dan Dave Bailey & Oli.


Unknown said...

Sasha i think uve been hiding from the camera most of the week which i find very surprising when ur normally the selfie queen lol xxxx

Unknown said...
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Lisahopton said...

Wow Boo, it looks like so much fun and an inspiring trio. So looking forward to seeing you and giving you the biggest hug ever xx

Unknown said...

DavidLem, is that meat on that enormous plate of food you are holding??
You look a bit like Wayne in this pic.
See you Tuesday for BIG hugs xxxxx