Saturday 25 July 2015

Bulgaria day 7, by Penny and Josie

 Today was the last day where we would get to work with the children and everyone was excited for the day ahead. After our traditional breakfast of cheese, tomato and spam (plus the addition of a cheeky boiled egg today) we headed out. We wanted to make the most out of the time we had left so as soon as we got to the centre both the children and us were confident of the day ahead. All groups started outside as the temperature was forecasted to reach 40 degrees by midday. Everyone did a number of activities including: skipping, limbo, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee and our group’s personal favorite duck duck goose. For the final activity we made bracelets with the children that they had been looked forward to all week. After countless numbers of beads dropped on the floor everyone had a piece of jewelry they were proud of. Then it was time for the sad goodbyes. We all took hundreds of photos and said goodbye to the children. In the evening we went out for drinks with the youth workers where we all exchanged gifts. The youth workers who worked with our group gave us a beautiful Bulgarian wooden clock, which we are all grateful for and will be hanging on show somewhere in the school. We then took a lot of photos and said our final goodbyes to everyone who had helped us out this week. As soon as we arrived back to the hotel we were all pretty tired out after our long week and went straight to sleep ready for a long day of travelling back to Sofia tomorrow.
 Penny and Josie


william said...

Sounds like a fab but exhausting last day ... Have a safe journey home . Looking forward to seeing you Josie
Lots of love Mumxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Well done everyone! What an amazing trip you've all had. Glad you are home safely xxx