Friday 20 February 2015

Friday’s blog comes from Lewis and John

Firstly from Lewis,

Following on the from Thursdays blog, we had an amazing talk from our host, John Njendahayo. His story was truly remarkable to listen to and we thoroughly enjoyed it. He has done so much for the communities that he has gone to but is so modest and takes no credit which is what I think epitomises the spirit that we have seen. Everyone is so positive and grateful for what they have and I wish more people were like that and it is one thing I will take away from the trip.

Anyway, today was the final day of teaching in the Acholi Quarters and we got up for breakfast and got on the bus. The day started brightly with Sayley dancing to music from the speaker. We were greeted, as usual, with cheers and screams from the children. The big church started by educating the children on the solar system and made a giant collage. The small church taught the children about time, clocks and they wrote a story about themselves and drew a picture to go with it. With the lessons flying by before the porridge break, the madness erupted afterwards with both groups coming together for games, singing and dancing. However, we were all shown up by the Acholi ladies dancing. 
After the first emotional goodbyes, many selfies and lots of fun, we left the morning group and the day progressed on. The afternoon was a highlight for me as I taught Dan- one of the afternoon group, who spent all week running round- how to count from 1 to 10. Seeing his cheeky little face light up when he got to 10 was the highlight of my week. Another chaotic session of dancing and singing went by way too fast and we had to say our goodbyes to the afternoon group.

Following on from leaving the afternoon group, the whole team went down to play more sports with the whole Acholi community, and I mean ALL the children. We were completely swamped but it was amazing. Sweat, blood and tears were high as we left the Acholi community for the final time, particularly for Mackenzie who was fretting about ‘losing her phone’ until realising it was on her knee. 

We went on the drive home and got showered ready for the drive to Café Java, a restaurant in Kampala, where we ate with the Acholi ladies. Once again, after the ginormous portions, there were emotional goodbyes as we exchanged hugs with the ladies. 
The night was spectacular and it was great to see the ladies outside of their professional side that we have seen all week. 
The week could not have run as it did without them and they were a great addition to the AfriDACA team. As the final day comes to a close, we are looking forward to tomorrow’s trip to Jinja, where we will go on a boat ride and craft shopping.

Lots of love from the AfriDACA team xxx

This final bit is from John- I should start my own column if these little bits at the end carry on. Just wanted to write a little bit since I had the chance. Today being the last day of teaching I assumed it would be a bit emotional. In the morning I taught at the front with groups of 3 children at a time how to tell the time. Teaching for me is a real career path I am looking down even more than before after this experience. Teaching a child a new method or anything at all and watching them do it and their little faces light up when you tell them it’s right and give them a fist pump its brilliant. 
In English we let the children write what they had learnt, enjoyed and how they felt about us as a team and then for a little child to come running up to you telling you that you are their favourite was heart-warming. 
The last day consisted of getting photos and when we all said goodbye to both morning and afternoon groups I found it too hard and had to let out my emotions, but much to my delight support from the team and the little children’s faces gleaming it really helped me suck it up and carry on. Best go now and get the routine game of cards in before I hit the pillow night.

PS from Helen - just so you don't get totally confused, for some weird reason that is beyond me to fathom, the photos aren't in chronological order today! Hope you still enjoy them though:-)


Unknown said...

Hi Lorna!

Lula Chinery said...

Hi mackie I hope you have a great birthday and we are very very proud I also hope you have found your phone.

From your little sister Lula Boo.

Unknown said...

Hi lorna... Looks like an amazing week.. Seem to have finally worked out how to post! Saw all 3 kids today and they were all good - your house didn't even look too messy either! Everyone else is well here so don't worry and enjoy your final day exploring tomorrow and have a safe trip home.. Gail xxxx

Unknown said...

Well I never, Mackenzie fretting about losing her phone.....
Was hoping you might have had a week without it Mackenzie?!!

Glad you will be home soon. I've got empty washing baskets just waiting for you to fill up haha!!

Oh we have 6 pups!! Not checked if boys or girls yet!

Happy Birthday for tomorrow babe. Please will someone give Mackenzie a massive mama birthday hug?

Well done to you all. Home straight now, soon be back in your own beds.

Enjoy your last day! See you at the airport :))


Unknown said...

I am stuck for words and that is rare. You all have been so impressive, I hope you are all proud of what you have achieved this week. Toby, again your mum is in tears after reading the blog. Have a great last day, we are all looking forward to seeing you, except your brother who is getting worried about leaving your room.


Ps, John your words are responsible for making Toby's mum cry tonight, thanks for that.

Unknown said...

Hi Nathan,
I hope your last day went well and you didn't have too many tears. All the hard work is over with now and time to relax Saturday before your long journey home Sunday. Loads of photo's of you today where we didn't have play lets spot Nathan.
Enjoy your boat ride Andrew says watch for the hippo's haha.
We are so proud of you & we all can't wait to see you Sunday ( takeaway for tea ).
Lots of Love & Hugs
Mum, Andrew & Lincoln. xox

Unknown said...

Wow what an amazing week you've all had, bet you're sad it's coming to an end but that you're all looking forward to getting back with your family and friends. Sounds like a great way to finish off with the exploring tomorrow, seeing the source of the River Nile (Jack your dad's jealous, he's not fussed about the shopping bit - but knows that you'll love it!). Don't forget - bracelet for mum, gran and Taneesha if you can. Can't wait to see you on Sunday - safe journey to you all x

Lynda Brown said...

Hi Carly hope you have had an amazing time. Todays photos and blog where fantastic and the one of you with a little cheeky smile made us smile. You look like you had a bit more colour in your cheeks cos you have looked a bit pale the last few days. Really proud of you and all the team. Have a good last day on your trip out and look forward to seeing you Sunday. Lots of love Mum and Dad xxxx

margaret maher said...

Hi jodie you all have done a great job with them beautiful children see you soon love nan and grandad x x

Unknown said...

A ginger going to jinja what more can i say apart from love you miss you see you soon TRAVIS.
From mum,dad,tayla,nana and grandad xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Daddy,
Thank you - spotted the 'windows' in three pictures but on one you were wearing them!!
Very excited about Sunday.
Having a lovely time with Grandma and Grandad. We have been into Clitheroe today and Grandad bought me a hat from Fat Face; I look like Olly Murs now! Plus, Grandma bought me a mini remote controlled car from Cowgills! Abi had a T-shirt and some wool to knit a new scarf.
Hope you are feeling better.
Love you
Isaac x

Unknown said...

...and Jess is also asking for a bracelet Jack ;) x

Unknown said...

Hi Lewis all the Daca Team, including John, Helen and staff
Sorry i missed lastnight, caught up tonight though and loving the footage again!
Firstly, I would to like to thank all the staff, the cred foundation and those who have looked after our children this week, while they have been teaching yours, and for keeping them safe!
Amazing footage and words from you all, Lewis, yours i have waited to read all week. You have never in all your life asked for anything and have always appreciated what you have, although i do recall you asking, please can i go to Afri Daca Mum and i am so glad that you did.
You make me so proud to be your Mother and you make me smile, seeing you becomeing a young man who has a passion for life, learning and teaching others. As i remember from a very young age with your A frame chalk board, where you stood in front of family and pretended to be the teacher. I never imagined that you truly knew then, that is what you would be striving to achieve but i think you have done yourself and the school proud.
You all deserve a big pat on the pat for your hardwork, to get you there, and what you have achieved all week in teaching those less fortunate.
Enjoy yours last day and have a safe journey home.
Lots of love

Unknown said...

Hi Joe and gang, we have enjoyed your photo's and blogs all week . Seeing the little faces of the children taking it all in and learning as much as they can is wonderful.Enyoy your last day today, we are so proud of you journey home tomorrow. Love Nana and Grandad.

nicola maher said...

Hi Jodie another moving blog last night,I'm so proud of you can't wait for you to be back home even Luke & Karl have missed you your Dad reads the blogs every night & look's at all the pic's.
Have a great trip today enjoy see you tomorrow love you loads mum dad Luke & Karl xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Well Done Lorna! The girls have tried to blog but say they couldn't work it out! Lol So the message is 'You have done it and we are all proud of you!' Keira was with us yesterday and she is missing you but in a good way. And yes, your house is not too bad at all. Just to keep you updated Bobby killed Lucy Beale and Jane covered it up and I have a sofa! See you soon. Love you xxxxxxxxx

margaret maher said...

You have all done a brilliant job have a safe journey home cant wait to see you jodie you have made us all so proud of you and all the team for what you all have done in a short time x x

Unknown said...

Oh how I will miss your blogs - but oh how I can't wait to get you home mols - you have all had the most amazing opportunity & have done yourself , your family & your school proud - proud to know each & everyone of you ! :)) - massive thank you to the teachers at Daca & all cred team & everyone else who has looked after our most precious possession & for giving them the opportunity to experience life as it - - don't want to get too deep & heavy so have a great day tomoz - mols please if u go on a boat - try to stay in it !! Lol - have a safe journey home gang & see u all on sun - can't wait ... Don't forget to bring us some sunshine back : ) xx luv to U all xxxx

Linda said...

Hi, Joe and the team, what an amazing experience that you will never forget and neither will the children, they look so happy and i am sure they will miss you all. Have a great last day and and safe journey home. Love the Jones xxx