Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wednesday 22nd

This morning we was once again woken up by an overly excixted Bex and a moaning mollie, no surprise there! After our morning call (scream) we arrived to breakfast with freshly made pancakes, fruit and toast, which was smoothly and quickly domolished. We were all aboard the mini bus with loud singing and of course special bum shuffles on the cramped seats and we were on our way to the Catch up school for our third day and as we arrived we were greeted by the big happy faces that motivate us every morning.

 Every team done all sorts of activities including maths and english up until lunch, Before we knew it it was lunch time and we were back on the cramped sweaty mini bus after being waved off by our own team. After lunch all the caos occurred, dancing singing in the rain, we then done activites such as bracelet making that could of kept the children occupied all day. Shaving foam and bubbles were then introduced to the kids which ended up in a big mess, which sent Carl go back to his youth slapping Steph round the face with a hand full of foam and Joey getting tied down by the children and absolutley being smothered in shaving foam which lead to an uncomfortable journey for Joey when the school day had ended, Bex was even kind enough to refuse to give him baby wipes but definitely the highlight of most of our weeks, its amazing how asda price shaving foam can give so much to people who have so little.

 Next stop, the sex trade workers who were selling arts and crafts for us all to buy and support them. When we arrived, we were greeted by singing and dancing and most of the team joined in and was overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

And now we are currently writing this blog on the sofa being excited to hear all of your comments from todays adventures, also would appreciate shout outs to team members who are feeling un loved as they are yet to receive a message from England (Katie Maw, Issy, Maddie, Bex, Abbie and Mikey.

Happy Birthday to Rory from Maddie, Helen forgot yesterday!

All our love to back home, Lamara and Amy



Unknown said...

Omg Portia the picture of you by yourself with them I little girl just made me cry :( you look amazing and so happy xxx miss you much love mummy and daddy am off to watch Liverpool v real Madrid #YNWA

Unknown said...

Hi Amy so glad the blog went on before I leave for work tonight :-) and we'll done to u both on writing it sounds like u have had a brilliant day love the photos everyone is asking how u are doing and send their live xxxx miss u but very proud of u and all the team what an experience for u all I will probably put another comment on when I'm on my break at work about 2.30 am lol we love u millions hugs and kisses mum and martin Xxxxxxx

David Ross said...

Stephanie Ross said
It made me smile when I read that your face had been covered in shaving foam. it brought back memories of when the you stared in the circus and was covered with shaving foam by the two clowns. You all look so happy with the children, keep up the good work you are all doing xx
PS love you and miss you
Mummy xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Katie. If you get this twice I'm sorry. My phone didn't send the first one (I don't think) so I'll say it all again. Looks like you all had loads of fun. Poor joey. I've been cleaning the entire house ready for our inspection tomorrow. Still not finished yet. Sophie brought the bridesmaids shoes round yesterday & the colour is a perfect match. Really proud of you. Half way through your time there now. Can't wait til Monday. Love you. Speak tomorrow. Lots of love mum, Andy, jake, jamie & toby xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

We are so pleased that you are receiving our messages!
Lamara i bet your eyes light up when you saw the morning pancakes lol
Im so pleased that the 20p shaving foam made such messy entertainment!
Your half way into your experience and soon be home so keep up the good work and if you feel down like I said be4 you went this isnt forever x
We had parent evening with logan teacher and she is very impressed however she feels that he is too cheeky and should stop saying "cheers miss" lol any way my princess im pleased to read that you have had a creative day and there was smiles all round :) lots of kisses hugs mum dad and the boys x

Unknown said...

Hi Carl,

I check to see whether a new blog post is up every night! Love reading about your day and today sounds especially fun :). Work is going really well, been put on some more training and I finally got my keys today! Having a roast for tea which I'm sure will make you jealous. Don't worry though, I'll send you a snapchat to go along with all the ones from andy c!
Missing you and sending lots of love,
Chelsea xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Charlie, words can't describe how proud of you I am. It's starting to feel so weird not having someone to cuddle up too at nighttime. But what your doing for them kids is amazing. Only a few days left till your home but make sure you have the most amazing last few days in Africa. I can't wait to have a cuddle and a big sloppy kiss when you're back. I love you. Clay xxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, I love coming home from work and reading the blog and seeing the pics, catching up on your day. Its amazing how little things like shaving foam can bring smiles and laughs from kids who's lives must be so hard. Its cold here today so enjoy the sun.
Love Lois xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Alex
Hope you are well, looks like you are all having fun.
Boys are enjoying looking at the photos, alfie can spot you out and Ollie is asking lots of questions about what you are doing and why.
We were down yours today and we all missed seeing you.
Take care and see you soon.
Lisa, ben, Ollie and alfie

Sharon Maidment said...

*Shouting "KATIE MAW! KATIE MAW!!!!!! Lovely to see the Katies in the photos, looking good girlies!!!! Hump day Wednesday.........enjoy the rest of your time, much loves, Sharooooooooooooooon, Pete, Boy & Odes xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Joey, looks like you've had an amazing day. Keep up the good work all of you. The children all look happy it must be so rewarding to see them smile. Kacey and me have been to nans today she said hello miss you. Billy was really exited to see us. Kacey realised she didn't have her handbag when we left carvery luckily someone handed it in at the hospital where shed left it. Look forward to reading more tomorrow. You should all be so proud of yourselves. Can't wait till your home love you xxxxxx

Amanda Carey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda Carey said...

hi megan.

Your mum has just cut our hair and showed what a fantastic job you are doing, keep it up. Take care Dot &Roy xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Cerys. It's so hard to put into words how incredibly proud we are of you. Some extra lovely pics today as you were on them and looking so happy with what you are doing. Not only is it lovely to see the children smiling but to see you all smiling makes me know that you are all having such an incredible journey that I know will stay with you all forever.
We are all missing you very much. We look forward to you coming home but I know it is going to be hard for you to leave.
We look forward to seeing the blogs each day and I have sent a big global text to everyone to sign into the blog.
Love and miss you. Mum, dad, Rhiannon and rocky.
Ps Rhi is missing you loads xx

Karen Cowan said...

Hi Cerys. Looks like you are having an amazing time, fantastic pictures of you! Must be very rewarding and emotional sharing with these children all the great skills you all have.
Mum and da are so proud of you as are we, and I am sure you are being greatly missed by Rhi! Xx
Keep smiling, take care and embrace this experience, love Karen nick and Maisie xxxxx

karen said...

Hi Chelsea,looks like you were having fun today, you didn't look quite as messy as some of the others. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for you all, so proud of you, your experience.can't wait till you get home and tell us all about Lots of love Mum, Dad and Sophie

Unknown said...

This message is to Maddie, katie, issy, abbie,& Mikey - The blog only excepts peoples messages through ipad or pc not from mobile which might be the reason your not getting the messages through i figured this out on the second day ! So please dont worry and continue to be positive! hope you receive your special messages soon your all doing a fab job xxx lamara its TOWIE night ... just saying lol

Unknown said...

Big shout out to katie maw, issy, maddie, bex, abbie and mikey i dont know you but love reading about ur days and what you have all been doing. Portia that is a gorgeous picture of you with the little girl you look so happy, glad ur having a great time but i do miss you xx

Unknown said...

Hi Maddi, have just found out that we can't blog you from my kindle. Now i'm doing it through Nick! It's great reading the blogs each day and we have tried to comment every day but now realise you've not been able to see them! We're all extremely proud of you and the amazing work that you're doing with the children. Enjoy every minute of this incredible adventure and please remember we're looking at the blog everyday! So PLEASE try and get in some photos. Love you lots and lots Mumsey Moo, Daddy, Aunite Nita, Uncle Derek, Nick & Sarah xxxx

Amanda Carey said...

hi megan,

just had a update from mum, which I get each day. one of photo ur in you look like a child. anyway my little angle carry on doing all the good things u and the team are doing. love and miss you so much. god bless nan xxxxx

Paige Van-der-zee said...

I know you're completely GUTTED that Im not there to spend all day, everyday with you, but everyone back home is missing you loads.
Missing your daily abuse,
Paige xoxoxo

ps. Hope you and issy have diarrhoea

Unknown said...

Hi Katie. Not long left to go now. You are doing an amazing job. Josh, Morgan and Dale say hi. See you soooon. Love you lots Ryan xxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hello lovely boy,
Love you loads, Ange sends love and proud of what you're doing too.
Really looking forward to seeing you soon to hear all about it. Are you keeping written record?
I'll find out from your dad your ETA back and hope to be there with MAJOR hugs!!
Hello to Katie Maw, Issy, Maddie, Bex, Abbie & Mikey too, you all look like your having a great time and bringing some fun to those kids. At your age I wouldn't have dreamed of doing something so challenging, be very proud of yourselves.
If your folks are like me they're likely having probs getting on to here. I had to get a friend to explain how to!!
I'm afraid all us oldies are not very techno savvy!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber and all the team,
Once again we found the words and pictures very moving in today's blog. Reading about your experience is the high light of our day :) I love the picture of you reading with the boys its wonderful and has made us feel closer to you. I'm working on showing your pics to the far most of Poole Hospital have had the privalage!!
We can't wait to hear "get out of my room" and "Amber hurry up we're gonna be late" at the moment the house seems really quite, other than Roxie Courtney hasn't got anyone to pester!!
Your all halfway through your adventure now, cherish every moment and keep up the excellent work.
All our love Mum & Dad xxx <3

heidi nye said...

Hi mollie, loving reading all about your day and love the pics too
All the girls at netball send there love, berries 2 done well, won 5 drew 1 lost 0,
Nina and mum was asking about you and send there love and the Patrick girls were all asking after you too, dad says to send a big kiss to his little chicken lol and Rebecca is missing you loads
Love you loads ( and stop moaning lol )
Mum, dad and Rebecca xxxx

heidi nye said...

Hi bex, just want to say a massive thank you for all your hard work in looking after all the team especially my mollie moo as I am sure that's a challenge all on bits own, on a serious note we really appriciate mollie being given this opportunity.
Thank you and take care
Heidi xxx

Amanda Carey said...

hi megan

please hurry home, as ur nan is still being emotional wet wipe, soon I will be drowning in her tears. Had to laugh at that photo of you with the owl on ur head, u look so small the kid are towering over you. keep to photo's coming I know your camera shy but it good to see u. you all sound like ur having fun, only a few more days left so enjoy every minute of it. your all fantastic in my eyes love to all. love you lots megan mum, dad, daniele, asia and ryan xxx

keep calm and tap dance said...

Hi to Sophie and also to Katy, Maw, Issy, Maddie, Bex, Abbie and Mikey - can't have you guys being left out of the messages :) Sounds like another amazing day in Africa, we love coming home & catching up with your news - thanks for keeping us all updated.
Love from Mum, Chris & Megan xxx

Unknown said...

1313hi amy nice photos again of u and the gang looks like u are having a fab time out there put some photos of u on facebook today ha ha the one of u dancing lol luv to everyone there give those kids a big hug from me luv and miss u lots dad and rachel xxxx

Marie lane said...

Hi Alex
Looks like your all having fun with the children, love reading all about your day , I was looking at the pictures and spotted your socks before I saw you.��. Keep up the good work .
love you Mum, dave and jess xx

Unknown said...

Forest, me again! Lovely photos of you especially nice to see you up there teaching and doing what you do best! Missing you lots, was saying to mum and dad last night that it's time for you to come home now! It's too weird without you
Looks like you're having the most amazing time and I hope you're eating well!
Love you sis
Rhi xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Amber missing you lots !!!! Looks like your having lots of fun :) can't wait to see you soon xxx
Abby xxxx

Unknown said...

hi amy, you all look like you are doing a great job, have told everyone in my job what you are doing and they are all really proud of you and they dont know you, have even shown some the pics. you are doing a great job and seeing the happy faces of the children is lovely to see, keep up the good work and love and miss you. lots of love rachel and Dad xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Katieee! (Maw) looks like you're having a wonderful time doing what you do best! Nice to see the picture of you coming out, including the derp ones ;) haha! ..tried to show mum how to get on here to leave a comment, but as you can imagine it was a nightmare! .. Not much of a tan going on! Hope you're enjoying it and make the most of it!
Love you loads <3
Daniel xxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Amy it's mum again it's 1.15 am I'm at work sat having a coffee so reading the blog again ha ha the photos are fab so glad the kids are all enjoying having u lot there and great fun being had by u all love u millions Xxxx can't wait to see u xxxxx

Charlotte baker said...

Hey charlie :) another day done ! Loveing the photos and the catch up everyday , makes me envious wish I was out there as well ! Well done lovely have a great day tomorrow xxxx

Unknown said...

Hellooooo Katie x Just to say hope you're feeling ok. Great photos of you all! Heartwarming to see how inspired and motivated the children are in their school. So many beautiful smiling faces, all credit to you and the Team! Keep Dancing... Love Caroline xx

Unknown said...

Hi Aliesha. I have been checking the blog everyday to keep in touch with what you are doing. Lovely to see the fun and smiles on the children's faces, as well as your own. I can't wait to hear all about it when you are back. Love Auntie Anne-Marie. Xxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Charlotte missing you loads looks like your having a inspirational time! I'm so proud of you and I know this experience will make you realise how lucky we all really are. Keep up the good work and it won't be long till your back home in the cold and rain lol love you heaps and heaps mum x x x x x x x

Unknown said...

Wow it looks like you are having an amazing time and I am more than just a little jealous that I am not there this year! It looks like you are doing a fantastic job. The pictures are brilliant; the smiles on those kids faces definitely lights up the dreary weather here. A highlight of the pictures so far is seeing Layla dancing. One of Bex next please!!Keep up the good work. Lots of love Emily (Mrs Edwards)

David Ross said...

David and Stephanie Ross
Hello darling
We enjoyed reading the blog, looks like you have all had such fun again with the children. The smiles you bring to all their faces is an inspiration to you all, and although tomorrow may be your last day your memories and theirs will be everlasting.We will thinking of you all as you say your goodbye. Can't wait to see you, girls are fine and settled.
Lots of love and a big hugs.

Mummy and daddy xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hey lam! Hope you're still enjoying yourself :) my mum and dad both said hello and they hope you're getting on ok. Make sure you enjoy the last few days! I cant wait to see you again. Lots of love. Harry xxx

Unknown said...

Well done Issy and Alex for the blog. Make the most of your last few days and looking forward to having you back. Love Dad x