Thursday 23 October 2014

Thursday, by Alex and Issy

We awoke to a miserable and rainy day in Kigali, yet faces were still smily and excitable for the day ahead (excluding Laila and Mollie ofcourse). Letisha and Anita, the cooks for us coming in from the local community, cooked us a wonderful breakfast once again, with eggy bread and yummy pancakes.

We all prepared for our day ahead in the school for the 4th day, knowing tomorrow is the last day we will see the smily faces in team gorilla, leopard, lion and elephant. We all packed into the bus, singing voices at the ready for the Kigali radio. As we approached the school we could already see the kids as they ran after the bus to greet us, as we got off the bus.

By this time the miserable weather had already made its first disappearing act for a short while, but we all knew it would return.

We got into the classroom and the first thing you saw were the eager faces ready to learn new things. Team Gorilla started off the day with a spelling test, it was amazing to see what they already knew and the skills they picked up on by the end, the progression of their readying ability by the end of the lesson was incredible. Some children went from not being able to read a sentence, to then reading a short story. They loved the maths that came after break, their energy and enthusiasm for times tables would never be seen in England.

Whilst team Leopard started of their day by a game of Simon Says, and we were all stunned as to how much they already knew, and had learnt from the previous day. We then proceeded onto reading time, and finished of the lesson with one girl from the class, called Deborah, reading a book out to the class in English, we were all shocke to find out that she was only 13 years old.

As per usual the rain had come back, meaning the half an hour breaktime had to be moved indoors. The whole school (roughly 200 students) all gathered in Team Lion classroom, seeing as there was no other indoor space. Inside there was a few students playing the drums in one corner, and everyone was up and dancing, when the CRED team stole the show by throwing some shapes.

After our lessons after break, we returned to the appartments for lunch, surprised by a lovely roast dinner, while accompanied by the translaters helping in the school. When we returned to the school for our afternoon fun activities, we soon realised what we had planned was not working due to the rain which the kids are not used to and do not like to get wet. However, team lion made them suffer and stayed outside the whole time playing with shaving foam and bubbles but mostly having a shower in the rain. Team leopard, gorilla and elephand however enjoyed an afternoon of indoor crafts in the dry.

We finished of the day with our usual goodbyes and the kids chasing the bus away, all aware that tomorrow is the last day we will see them. We returned to the appartments, eager to listen to the story of pius this evening after dinner and how the genocide affected him and what it was like to experience such the devestating effects of this epidemic.


Hollie xxxxx said...

Missing you girls :( can't wait for Monday to have a massive hug, SOOOOOOO much to tell you... Look like you're having such a good time, impressed with the diary entry today issy ! Good English skills my darling, love seeing photos of you all smiling, feel such a proud best friend, will be waiting for you Monday, just going to work again haha, all my love, and hope you're not too smelly !!! Xxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi joey looks like you have had a long but fun day with the kids you will probably need loads of well deserved rest when you get back not long now cant wait to see you

Love you loads (dad)

Unknown said...

Hey Katie, finally a couple of pictures with you looking happy haha. At least you stayed dry. Our weathers been pretty rubbish today. Andy's first day back at work today which means I had to walk to pick twins up from nursery. Boys been their usual stroppy horrid selves this afternoon (bet you haven't missed that ) ending up with toby spending a lot of time on the naughty step. Boys having dinner now then we're going to carry on playing doctors. Everyone says hi & missing you. Enjoy your last day with the children tomorrow. Not much else to report here so until tomorrow (might be late in commenting cos I'm back at work tomorrow night with my 3 hour sitting call) take care, have fun & can't wait til Monday. Love you lots. Big hugs sent. Love mum, Andy, Jake, toby & Jamie xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Amy wow I'm just so excited every day waiting for the blog to go on u are all amazing and what u are doing is awe inspiring and a credid to u all and proof of all of ur kind hearts well done all of u I cudnt be prouder if i tried we love and miss u babygirl and can't wait for the coach to pull in on Monday for the biggest hug ever :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Cerys and everyone.
I can't believe that tomorrow it will be the last day with the beautiful children. It sounds that all the planning you have done over the last months in preparing the activities has paid off and how much the children have enjoyed it and learned from it. The children seem so eager and quick to pick things up.
Tomorrow is going to be a hard day, saying goodbye to the children. It makes me cry just reading how they enthusiastically run up to you in the mornings. not sure that that happens at Oak!!!
Have a wonderful last day and am so looking forward to seeing you on Monday and hearing the stories. The photos have been wonderful to share some of your experiences.
I am on my own tonight, dad and Rhiannon out. Only the dog to keep me comfy and he is giving me the look as he hasn't yet been fed.
Love and miss you. mum, dad, Rhi and Rocky xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Charlie, you looked like you had a bunch of fun today with all the children. It's been raining all day down here and it's so cold haha. Works going really well and you'll be pleased to know that I'll be driving again the day after you get back haha. Only a few more nights sleeping on my own, I just wish I could could fast forward time. Anyway keep up the hard work. I'm so so proud of you and I can't wait to give you the biggest cuddle when you finally come home. I hope you havnt forgotten about me aha. Lots of hugs and kisses. Clay xxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi lamara and all the cred team, This is the best part of my day,when I sit down a read the blogs, sounds like all your hard work and dedication has paid off and to know that you have given something so special to all these children, having your presents their has already made a difference to these children - you all are amazing!
Lamara this has been the longest week for me, I cant wait for you to be home and to hear your bedroom door squeek again, what you are doing is so brave and I couldnt be more proud of you!
Ive already thought that if you ever leave home im coming with you , living in a house with just boys is driving me nutters lol
The boys are all good , layton now has broken up for half term and we are going to see jody & maria tomorrow because they are moving to their new house, I offered to have harry while they move. I hope tomorrows weather is better for you and that you have a fantastic last day teaching. Any way gawjus sorry about the essay I just miss talking and seeing your face. Big fat hugs
And kisses love mum xxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hey lamara its dad we miss you so much and cant wait for this week to be over, if its any consulation the weather here in England is rather pants too. We love you so much and cant wait to see your grumpy face and hear your morning farts ;) please keep smiling as we see if your pictures, would be nice to see more of you in them! Love you smelly xxxxx

Unknown said...

Lamara because its difficult to send messages to the blog off a phone I have a message from greatnan
Hello my luv how ya doing? Hope you not getting all those bites put the creams on! I love you darling and have made ya great nan proud, wishing you a safe journey home. Love great nanny x

Unknown said...

Hi Joey and everyone. Been rubbish weather here today. Looks like you've had another great day with the children. I'm so proud of what you are doing. Can't wait till your home not long now. Love you missing you so much xxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hello sonson,
Just getting ready for a night duty and reading today's blog has cheered me up!
Pictures are fantastic, really joyful.
I take it you are in team lion who made the poor kids stay in the rain - hope they gotcha! Looks like you got some foam.
Again, so very proud of you bubba.
Love, love, love you,
Mom & Dobby xx

keep calm and tap dance said...

Hey guys, as usual you have made my day with your brilliant reporting :) Hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow and that you enjoy every last minute of your adventure! Miss you loads Sophie, but so proud of you - love always Mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber,
Feel really spoilt tonight with all the photos , they are wonderful to see, everyone looks so happy and you can see what a fabulous and worth while job your all doing.
I'm sure your all wishing it wasn't coming to an end with the children tomorrow, but hopefully the best has been saved til last and you all have an extra special day.
I hope you're filling up the memory card on your camera and that your chocolate supply is still going!
We really can't wait now to have you home, we've so many questions to ask you and so much to find out about and that's only 4 days away now!!
Take care babe, love you to the end of the universe and back. Mum n Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ps if you come home saying you've got the bug for future trips we will be shredding your passport!! Lol xxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hey Portia me Sally and sasha have just had a nice cuppa and a chat missing u loads can't wait for Mexican night with sasha once ya home from mummy daddy sasha and Sally

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, looks like you've had another fun filled day, enjoy your last day tomorrow.
Much Love Lois xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Katie, I've snuck onto the computer at work to leave you a quick message! Nice to see you in the photos enjoying yourselves. Hope you passed the spelling test! Better go before I get caught. See you soon. Love you lots Ryan xxxxx

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

(Charlie) I miss you so much, I'm seeing you Monday night when you come back so don't make any plans! I love you xxxxx

Amanda Carey said...

hi megan and all of the team.

Each night I can't wait to read the blog and see all the lovely photo's. Can't believe tomorrow is your last day with them lovely smiling children. Its going to be very hard saying goodbye. All you hard work and preparation has paid off in a very big way. You have made such a big impact with the children. There is no words that could ever describe how proud I am of you and the rest of the team. Its been a very long week now, I miss your singing and you suddenly running round the kitchen like a nutter. How you all have fantastic day tomorrow. love you mum, dad, Danielle, asia and ryan.
ps nan still emotional wet wipe but nothing new there lol xxxx

heidi nye said...

Hi mollie, yet another blog saying ( well at least others now know what I have to deal with every day lol ) lovely to see the pics of the beautiful children playing in the sacks and with Rebecca's old peppa pig game,
Can't believe it's you last day at the school tomorrow
Take care and enjoy tomorrow
Love you
Mum, dad and Rebecca xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Chels! I did try posting this message yesterday but it wouldn't let me so here goes again.. hello! I hope your okay, I'm glad to finally see more photos of you as there wasn't many and I was beginning to wonder if you were even there! It's nice to see that the shaving foam went to good use, I hope everyone had fun! :') I've been looking at the blog everyday to see what you are up to! Anyway, I hope you are having fun and enjoying every second in Rwanda! I am so proud of you and what you are doing, so keep up the good work! I miss you lots and cannot wait for you to return so that I can give you a cuddle and hear all about your time in Rwanda! Okayy, well stay safe, have fun and enjoy the rest of your time in Rwanda! I love you lots beautiful and I shall see you soon! Jodieee! xxxxxx

p.s. have you found that heart of yours yet? Or will it be remaining in Africa for another year?... :')

Unknown said...

Hi David. Great to see that you never let the rain stop you from getting stuck in. You're doing a great job for those kids and hope you're learning something from them too. Oh yeah! Kat sends her love. Enjoy the rest of your time. Missing you loads.

Unknown said...

hi ya Amy, late from work again, my mum says hi and thats she is proud of you but to tell you this story to make you laugh, i have to walk up 14 flights of stairs to get to the car every day at work so by the time im at the top im gasping for breath and red faced lol, its getting easier on day four now. love all the pics looks like everyone is having fun and the children love you all, cant wait to get a text from you soon and then even better hearing your voice and seeing you. lots of love Rach and Dad xxx

Unknown said...

hi amy looks like u have had a fun day today with the children had a late nite tonight we did a event 82 fish and chips worn me out so having a beer and relaxing b4 bed luv and miss u lots dad and rachel xxxx send a text

David Ross said...

Hello darling
We put this comment on last night but I could not understand why we could not see it last might on my ipad. You looked as if you had so much fun yesterday with the children their smiling faces are an inspiration to you all. Will send a longer blog tonight.

Lots of love and hugs
Mummy and daddy xxxxx

Unknown said...

Hope you are all having a great time, looking forward to hearing all about your amazing trip after half term
Take care.
Miss Batt

Unknown said...

hi team so good to see you loving Rwanda the staff and the students of the school. you are changing lives and guess what your lives are changing to! you have shown Africa that we love you and we care about you and we will not let a four letter word like fear get in the way of building up new friendships. God bless the rest of your time and pass on my love to Pius and the staff of the school. pat yourself on the back because you have joined the merry band of world changers

Unknown said...

Hi Katie M x Great photos, hope you've managed to get through all the work you had planned. Their classroom has been transformed with your colourful displays and handiwork. Huge well done to you all. Enjoy your last few days, we have missed you! See you soooooon xx

Unknown said...

Hey Maddie hows it going, its Kieran, hope your having fun out there, getting a tan right? Seeing as how mum and mike are away and its just me and rory here, you really havnt missed much, but im pretty sure you will have been replaced by some weird doll mums bringing back from turkey, so dont expect a room when you get back, much love, cyas xxx