Saturday 25 October 2014

Saturday - by Cerys and Maddie

Important message to all: there has been a change in flight times so we are now arriving at LHR at 1600 not 1435, so the Bournemouth crowd will be home about 1900 or so.

After a wonderful meal out last night, emotions were mixed with joy, from the positive influences that we created, but as well a sadness, as yesterday was our last day with the kids, teachers and translators at The Catch Up Centre.
Today we FINALLY got a extra hour in bed, which was very much needed as everyone woke with smiles on their faces (not mentioning any names), and positve energy for the day ahead. After breakfast we headed straight onto the bus and made our final bumpy journey to Muhumurize Catch Up Centre to contribute to Rwanda's monthly tradition of community work. We split into 3 teams – Team Hammer, Team Resource and Team Clean. Team Hammer mended all the bench desks within the centre, Team Resource sorted through all out donations to the centre as well as all resources the centre already had, and finaly Team Clean cleaned all of the classrooms thourghly and sorted all the décor for each individual room. Of course we could not have been able to complete our community work without the help of the kids and teachers that currently go to the centre. Once cleaning, mending and resource sorting had finished, we put the centre back to its normal self and said our final goodbyes to the kids and teachers that were there today. Everyone on the journey back on the mini bus was sweaty, smelly and exhausted and ready for an hours rest and a delicious lunch cooked by our amazing cooks!

In the afternoon we went shopping to a couple of craft places. Lots of presents were bought and we discovered how long it can take to get 25 people through the paying system when there isn’t a cash machine and everything bought has to be written down!

The afternoon ended with a visit to a community of genocide survivors. They were mid-20’s to mid-30’s and some of them shared their stories. It was a privilege and very humbling to listen to them as they told of their horrific experiences in the genocide, and at the same time it was inspiring. Very thought-provoking.

A pizza meal awaits to celebrate the end of the trip, and then it is one day left before flying home.

No blog tomorrow because Helen and her laptop are flying to Uganda, so we will see you all on Monday.

Love to everyone from Cerys and Maddie and the team


Unknown said...

Hey lamara and team, looks like you all have had a productive day today, ive absolutly enjoyed reading your blogs every night, catching up on your daily experiences and looking through all the pictures that clearly show the impact you have on these childrens lives, its so amazing !!
Lamara my baby girl,
Ive got 3 pumpkins ready to be carved for when you arrive home lol
I spoke to Harry last night he is missing you lots xxx
Any way gawjus your looking fab in the pictures as always, il be waiting by the school at 19.00 to pick u up on monday.
Thank you Mrs cummings and the rest of the staff for taking care of my baby girl and the rest of the team :) love from mumma Page xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Cerys and everyone.
Lovely to read your blog and to see all the photos of the shopping. All the lovely colours.
We are gutted that we are going to have to wait a further one hour before you are home.
Cerys-impressed to see you cleaning and tidying. I hope it carries on when you are home!!!! It must be so hard to leave now that you have worked so hard with the children and learned so much of the history and culture- what an emotional journey you have all been on. It has been wonderful to have the opportunity to read the blogs and see the photos and will miss these.
Have a wonderful last day and safe journey home. We are so looking forward to seeing your smiling face. Looking at the photos I know you have so enjoyed what you have been doing. Miss you and can't wait for you to be home. Love you lots mum, dad, Rhi and rocky.
P.s we phone and read your blogs to the grannies each night. They are so looking forward to hearing your stories and seeing the photos. Hope you have taken loads too. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Just hurry up and get home charlie I miss you so much :/ xxxxxxxx

David Ross said...

Liz and David says - We are with Mum and Dad at the mo. Read the blog and realised what an amazing experience that you are all having and we are sure that the children of Rwanda will never forget you all. They will carry their experience with them throughout all their lives. On reading the blogs we were very impressed with the maturity shown from the entries from the students. Very well written and with great sensitivity. What a credit to the young generation! Love from Liz and David xxxx

Unknown said...

Hiya Amy can't wait to see u Monday looks like u have all had a fantastic busy and productive day we are so proud of u you worked so hard to fundraiser to go on this trip of a lifetime well done to u and all the team we love u millions and zillions xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, loving the blog everyday, will be sad not having one to read tomorrow, but also sad for you leaving the children that you have clearly made happy. cant wait for you to be back and hear all the amazing stories you have to tell. have a safe journey back everyone. lots of love Rach and Dad xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, so my last message to you this week, sorry I missed yesterday but my grandson decided that sleep was unnecessary and didn't go to bed til midnight Lil pickle lol. Wow..what can I say, I hope you've had a wonderful time it seems from the blogs you've all had a life changing experience, so very proud of you and all you have achieved.
Wishing you a safe journey home, much love Lois xxx

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see you chick and hear all about it.
Love you xxxxxxx

Amanda Carey said...

hi megan and the rest of the team.

wow you all look like you have had a very busy and productive day. its must be so hard for you all to say your final goodbyes. I'm going to miss reading the blog tomorrow and looking through the pic's. It was lovely seeing what u had be up to each day, but only 2 more sleep and I will be able hear all about your amazing trip. I would to say a big thank you to Mrs Cummings and the staff for allowing megan to have this once in a like time experience. I don't usally wish my weekend away but I am this one missing you so much. enjoy the rest of the trip and I will see you monday cant wait. safe journey to you all love mum, dad, Danielle, asia, ryan and nan xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber, it's hard to believe your time in Rwanda is coming to an end, and we can count down in hours now til your back! The pics were great again today, tomorrow won't be the same without the daily update, but the best thing about tomorrow is that we can say we will see u tomorrow!! Yippee.
Enjoy the last of your time there, take care and wish you all a safe and hopefully sleep filled journey back home.
Can't wait to see u and hear every detail.
Lots of love, hugs n kisses Mum n Dad xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Katie & all the team. Didn't see any pics of you cleaning or mending anything but typically saw pics of you doing what you do haha. Hope you've had an amazing time this last 10 days. Me & twins went to jenson's birthday party this afternoon. It was quite good. Sophie never turned up as she was getting her tattoo finished. Boys played pass the parcel & played in the ball pit (balls everywhere). I went down to the big birthday bash for a bit just got home. Not many people there, think Natalie was a bit upset. I had to leave early as working in morning. As promised, I wrote everyday. Hope you're pleased with me. Won't see you til 10 Monday night cos I'm working again. Text me when you land so I can sort out who's picking you up. If ryan can't then I'll ask nan. Enjoy your last day tomorrow & safe journey home. Can't wait to see you. Love you. Mum xxxxx

Unknown said...

We hope you have had a good day and you have better weather than us. We have heavy rain like you wouldn't believe!!!!!!! Can you believe it's Thursday already, you have already been away a week. I really hope you have enjoyed all the new experiences and enjoyed interacting with the kids. We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday and miss you heaps and heaps. Love you lots and lots mum daddy aunty Nita and uncle Derek xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

hi amy you sweeping up blimey u are a changed young lady lol hope u have a fab last day cant wait to cu take care cu soon sweetpea luv u lots dad and rachel xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Carl,

I'm sure Debbie will be happy to see you doing some cleaning! Although I'm not sure whether you should tell her or else she'll be having you doing her chores! I'm glad you've all had such a good time. I hope you all have a safe journey home and I will see you on Skype tomorrow!

Just so you know, the UK version of storage hunters starts on Tuesday so you've got that to look forward to!

Can't wait to see you when you get back, everyone keeps asking about how you're getting on.
Love you lots,
Chelsea xxxxxxx

David Ross said...

David and Stephanie Ross said
As this is the last blog we want to say congratulations and well done to you all for the tremendous work you have done over the last week. You are a credit to your families and the school. We know you must all be feeling sad today and our thoughts are with you. Hope you all have a good and safe journey back.
To Stephanie we want to say we love you, and how proud we are of you, for all the work you do to enlighten other people lives.
God bless you all.
David and Stephanie xxxx

Unknown said...

Can't wait to have you back home Charlie Goodman have a safe trip and we will see you tomorrow little bird love you so much mum x x x x x x x

Unknown said...

Can't wait to have you back home Charlie Goodman have a safe trip and we will see you tomorrow little bird love you so much mum x x x x x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Charlie sorry I didn't leave much of a message on here yesterday. You looked like you had a great time today. Sunday allready! I can't wait to see you tommorow, remember I'm coming to see you so don't make any plans! I'm so proud of you. Love you loads clay xxxxxxx