Friday, 31 October 2014

Last working day....rain, tears and sad goodbyes

Day 7

Hi sharhys and dee here today was our last day teaching the acholi children the theme of the day was world cup, colours and flags. The first lesson we taught by millie, jack and danushaka, they taught  the rainbow song and played games involving colours. The second lesson consisded of dee, poppy and a little input of ellie, they included worksheets, the rainbow song and fun and games. The last lesson was a really good way to send of the kids as it was led by big beth, small beth and connie, little beth brang white t-shirts that the children could decorate and keep forever. But then it thundered and it was the LOUDEST thunder we have ever heard!! After the first set of lessons we said our goodbyes to the morning group of acholi children, tears all round apart from dee.. we both had our 5th cheese sandwich of the week. Then the second set of lessons where repeated but  with a different set of acholi children.  Me and dee have finally done a wee in the acholi quarters hole (toilet).
Still cannot believe today was our last day this week has flown by so quickly and not to sure we are ready to leave. When it came to saying goodbye to the second set of acholi children there wasn’t a dry eye in the rom even pops j broke out a tear :0 After them waving us off abit more excitement came because we went going for a meal tonight and also knowing we could wear makeup, straighten our hair and have another ice cold shower. We went for dinner at cafĂ© javars with all of our lady translator’s. In big church supporting us was Debra and Miriam and tonight they looked stunning. For dinner me and dee had (dee) pizza (sharhys) BBQ burger. !OH WE EVEN GOT WIFI! Me (sharhys) and jade made a speech to the adults to say a massive thank you for not only giving us a once in a lifetime opportunity
But also giving us memories never to forget.  My speech to the ladies was:

“Tonight this meal is a way of saying thank you for all the time and support you have given to us throught this week we couldn’t of done it without you. We want to thank you not only because you helped us build a relationship with the children but also we built a strong relationship with you.
You have inspired us and kept us going along this week and the way your always smiling but once again Thankyou you will not be forgoten and the memories will remain for us forever. We love you.”

And then I said a thankyou to John and Sophie:
“ also I want to say a massive thankyou to John and Sophie for not only housing us, feeding us and keeping us healthy but also making this trip the best it could be without you and sophie it wouldn’t of been the same. So yeah a big thankyou to john and sophie again for giving us this a,azing oppotuinity.”

On the way home in the bus we sang, Poppy leading the way as per…

This has been such an emotional journey for all of us saying goodbye today really showed this. We have learnt to be great full and realized how much some take things  for granted, we have also heard some inspiring stories that will stick with most of us forever. Seeing the children cry today made us realsie how much they appreciate education when it doesn’t seem that much to us.
We are just about to go play poker with the ‘lads’(using tin foil for chips!!)…

Hi mudda ,fam and Max its sharhys here,
Just want to say im missing you like crazy and im so excited to come home and see you all but then on they other hand I kinda don’t want to leave this place. Mum tell uncle rid the cooking here is better then his will ever be you better be there with a mcdonalds for me and max when I get of the bus. Missing My bed and cold milk. Give my love to lexie and lily seeing all this young children just remind me of them. SHOUT OUT TO JASMINE GREEN KIERA DYNAN AND CHARLIEGH JENKINS. See you soon I love you all x

Hi its dee here, MUM, DAD, FRAN AND BAILEY I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH,(looking forward to my lasange when I get home and to sleep in my own bed) hope your having a good Halloween without me and send my love to auntie carrie, nannie, grandma and gran and the rest love them all. SHOUTOUT TO ALLIE BROOKS AND ELLA JONES love you long time and don’t worry im still searching your shot glasses made from mud.  AND AMY COLLINS LY. Cant wait to see you all xxxxxxxx


very late no spel cheque!


Unknown said...

Hello everyone, you all look so sad !! But cheer up you are coming home soon. Good thing is you spent good quality time with the children. Hope you all enjoy your dinner tonight. Enjoy your day tomorrow. Danushka hope you have not got a headache from all the crying!! I felt sad seeing you cry but I know how you feel. Same like when we leave Mauritius , every time. Make sure you pack some dry food for the flight!!

Love you loads. Mum and dad

Unknown said...

Hi sharhys fantastic blog by you both brought a tear to my eye. I expect you all had many of them today saying goodbye to your children that you have been teaching. Well your journey is nearly over but is something that all of you will always treasure . Miss and Love you Billons Mudda (lol) lots of love hugs and kiss mum and co xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♡♡♡♡♡♡

Unknown said...

What an emotional day and I'm not even there. On a lighter note just wanted to say happy Halloween to everyone. Chaila you will no doubt be overjoyed to hear that the dogs are dressed up as wizards. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Mum x

Unknown said...

Oh my word, I've got a lump in my throat reading this and looking at all the pics so no wonder there were lots of tears. Just goes to show what a special experience it's been for everyone involved and what a unique bond you've created. Enjoy your last full day out there and have lots of fun til the very end. You will probably be very sad leaving but there's lots of people here that can not wait to have you home and hear all your stories...I think Arty is most definitely top of that list Daddy J! Lots of love xxx

Unknown said...

P.s I bet we won't see you for another week cos there's about a million episodes of Eastenders, Towie and made in Chelsea for you to catch up on waiting for you!!! (oops did i just let slip about your trashy taste in telly?! ;) xxx

Unknown said...

Wow, what an amazing last day, clearly full of emotion but your right when you say that this experience will help shape the people you will become. So proud of you all. Paul. Ps took us ages to read and look at the photos through the tears we had. Thanks!! Xxx

Unknown said...

Dee I am so proud of you (and well done for weeing in the hole!). Its been such a tough day for you all but think of the difference you have made in everyones life you have met. Yes lasagne is being made tomorrow lol. You have all done an amazing thing and look forward to seeing you on monday Dee. Love you. Mum, Dad and Fran

Unknown said...

Lovely photos yet again an a very informative blog, I can only imagine how your all feeling, such mixed emotions, highs And lows , thank you so much Millie for my birthday message . Love you loads x enjoy your last few days together as an amazing team . X

Unknown said...

Hi dee its fran, i miss you so much and so do dollie and bailey. Hope your having a good time in Uganda, look forward to seeing you monday BYEEEEEEE x

Unknown said...

well done all of you, you made a lot of kids very happy
have fun over the weekend
see you soon little beth ,love and hugs
grandpa xxxxx

Sarah Siggs said...

Well done Team Uganda! We are cheering you all the way. Such joy filled pictures - even through the tears. Huge love and respect to you all. xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Jez, Wow... so proud of you and the rest of the have certainly made a huge difference to the childrens lives and am sure in turn you will all come back with some wonderful and emotional memories of the trip....I am still loving the cereal cupboard lol.....have a great day today lots of love Mum and Dad xxxxx

Unknown said...

Feeling for you all right now, looks like an emotional day :(
Just think how many people you have made happy and smile in this week, and that will make you smile. Wanna hug you Chynna after I saw you upset in picture . Hugs from me darling, so very proud of you ,we can't wait too see you Monday. Glad you all had a nice meal out. And have a well deserved nice day tomorrow. See you soon . Me and chelsie took tyce out for Halloween we went down first avenue, and knocked on our old house(felt weird) knocked on gav n Claire's house and
Gav's dressed up as Dracula realy got into Halloween spirit hehe. Love you lots xxxx us all

Tom said...

Happy Halloween Rose,

It's been great to follow you all on the blog here and see what you've all been doing. It looks like it's been an amazing experience judging by your most recent pictures.

I can't wait to hear all about your experience in person. Missing you loads, the house feels weird without you.

See you very soon. Much love. Tom x

Unknown said...

Hey jades......great experiences to influence your have a really tidy room to return to!!! Xx

Helen Edwards said...

Hi flo-Jo, Boo and all the team. It must of been hard to say goodbye to the children today. What a legacy you have all left behind for them to nurture and grow though. Lottie is homesick for you, looking out of the lounge window longingly! Dave is not bothered, as long as he can continue only drinking fresh water from the tap, at a low, hygienic trickle plus his food. How insignificant that all sounds to what the community have out there. Love you both, value the time you have left.xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth
We have just got in from watching Lloyd he won in round 3 yay!! Dad helped the boys with their pumpkins they went trick and treating round nannys.
Looks like u all had a very emotional day, but remember u gave the children lots of fantastic memories this week. so pleased the tshirts went down well they all look fab in them. Right im off to bed as ive got to be up and out in 6 hours as im going to London shopping! Dads fallen asleep snoring so it doesnt look like ill be getting much sleep lol .
Hope u have a lovely day, stay safe love u lots Mum, Dad, Alfie and Joey xx

Kerry Simmons said...

Hi ellie
Sounds like an emotional last day with the kids as I know you have probably built a strong bond with them! Just remember the change that you made to their lives and the change they have made to yours and then it will all seem worthwhile I'm sure. I was hoping you would be in some of the pics but you must have been camera shy the last couple of days . Neil and Paula Teresa and Moonie were both asking about you at the Halloween party tonight at the pub and they can't wait to hear your news . Enjoy the last couple of days before you fly home as I bet you can't wait to sleep in your own bed and your ever so tidy clean bedroom !! Love you lots and can't wait til Monday afternoon to see you . Xxxxx

Becca and Tim said...

Hello everyone, I know you will have been an inspiration to all the children and they will have been an inspiration to you. Well done all of you on being so brave. We can't wait to see you soon Pops xxxxxx

Unknown said...

We are all so very proud of you mum, still can't believe that you're there ! I'm sure you have been an inspiration to all the children, as well as me. We're all missing you terribly x enjoy every second x love you millions, Maisie xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Jim Jam, hope you are ok, thinking of you so much.
You done good girl.

You all done bloomin good!

Huge amounts of hugs n love to you xxx

simon harris said...

Hi Toni [Mrs Harris]
They kept us all waiting for the blog last night, i bet i wasnt the only one checking every 5 mins to see if it had been posted yet. The blog and photos have been amazing letting us all know what great work you all are doing.
Enjoy your last day before your journey home.
See you soon love you Simon x