Saturday, 26 July 2014

Saturday (and the last bit of Friday)

Last night was a great way to end an amazing week. We all went to a traditional Abyssinian restaurant for dinner, which was a buffet with a wide variety of the regional cuisine (including some cow intestine!). It was a brilliant night with a great atmosphere, due to the fantastic live music and dancing. Some of us were even dragged up to dance on stage, much to everyone else’s amusement. The dancers were brilliant and danced for three hours straight in costumes (and monkey hair wigs which we got to try on) that helped tell the story, and it was great to see some Ethiopian culture.

We got a WHOLE 15 minutes extra sleep this morning, then we headed out to visit AHISDO, the other project that CRED supports in Addis Ababa. It’s a community charity that supports mainly the children and elderly people in the area.  They have many facilities including the biggest youth centre in Addis, that even had a Playstation. We then saw the young children’s daycare, which was where the team trip was based last year. They kindly gave us a traditional meal and coffee ceremony, with popcorn, which we weren’t expecting. Tibebu then presented Helen with a photo of some of the people who benefited from the trip last summer. After a group photo, we headed drove through the Mecarto, a huge outdoor market that seems to stretch for miles.

Once we’d finally driven through the Mercato we had a chance to buy some traditional Ethiopian coffee in a very fancy shopping centre. While we were in there it started pouring down with rain, and we left to go to a café to get warm drinks, chips, burgers, cake etc (not all of those per person!).

We then had some time at the craft market, spending some of our birr, and discovering that Cammie is a natural when it comes to bartering prices down!

Back to the hotel to drop off our shopping and have a quick conflabulation (Ani’s new English word of the day!) about whether to try again for a swim at the Hilton. Despite the less than brilliant weather it was a clear majority vote to go there, and so that is where we are now.

PS Bethany would like her mum to comment J

PPS Happy 13th birthday for tomorrow to Eleanor Briddock with love from Heather


Unknown said...

It's very hot on the beach in Hove - lovely swim! Your trip looks amazing. Don't drink too much coffee - you know you won't sleep! See you Monday - missing you, much love from us all. Phil, Paula and the little Ritchies. xxxx

Unknown said...

Looking forward to having Scarlet home - missing you!

YvonneB said...

Hi everyone. Your evening at the restaurant looks like a lot of fun and hope you enjoyed trying more of the local food. If you've developed a taste for intestines then try tripe when you get back home! Seems strange to see you all wearing so many clothes when we are sweltering here.
All the people you've met sound so open,welcoming and kind even though they have so little to share. A lovely people.
Eleanor send thanks for the birthday wishes and we all wish you all a very special final day and a safe journey home. With lots of love, xxx

Unknown said...

Thanks again for the wonderfull blog and pictures. It looks as though you will all have some superb memories to treasure. Have a safe trip all and looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

Simon and Jemma Bellm

Unknown said...

Once again really good to see what you have all been doing. Sounds like you have had a really good day. Enjoy your last day tomorrow ...make the most of it. Can't wait to see you on Monday evening.....and hear all about the last week. Have a safe journey home, looking forward to seeing you, with lots of love xxxxxx

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're all having an incredible time. Can't wait until you get back to tell us all about it.

I'll whip up a nice dinner of cow intestines and popcorn for you, to celebrate.

Scarlet's Dad

Marianne said...

Hope you had some great chill out time today .I imagine that tomorrow is going to be another emotional day for you so just wanted to remind you how much we are looking forward to seeing you .. ( and all your dirty washing !) Have a safe and fun journey home .
Marianne and family

Moana said...

That is the biggest bowl of popcorn I have ever seen! What an amazing adventure = safe trip home lovely Cammie