Wednesday 10 July 2013

wednesday photos

Ruth, Evie and Chandos on home visit 

with Mandela, Baracat and mum

Lexi, Louise and Elias on home visit


CRED Foundation said...

so great to see so amazing to read you guys are making memories that will last for ever. Keep up the great work and prayers from us all for you, your work and the families you are serving. Amazing! Paul Sanderson

Unknown said...

We are very proud of you Elias and all the team and look forward to hearing all about your experiences. It makes us feel very humble when we see how others are forced to live and still remain cheerful. Love Nanny & Grandad

Unknown said...

I was looking forward to a new post today but am assuming there is a glitch somewhere in technoland. I too had tears streaming down my face reading your stories yesterday. I hope today has been ok for you all and that there hasn't been too much rain!!
Cannot believe you will be home in 3 days!!