Wednesday, 26 September 2012

CRED Team Trip Ethiopia - final team gathering

On the 20th October 2012 the Ethiopia 2012 team will be off to Addis Ababa for this year's trip.  We'll be working in the Meserete Kindergarten in the city during the school day and then running an after-school club in a local youth centre.  The team is made up of mostly students from Oakmead College of Technology in Bournemouth.

On Sunday 16th September 2012 the team got together at St. Andrew's Church Kinson to complete the final phase of planning and organising ahead of the trip.

Below is a video showing the thoughts of some individual team members about the trip and the activities they will be up to whilst working in Ethiopia in few weeks time.

This is the first of the blog entries for our trip this year so here's hoping you're looking forward to more news from Sunday 21st October our first day in Addis!

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