Monday 2 April 2012

Day 3 (Olli and Shojadul)

Really amazing day today we finally started working with the childrenwho were pro's. Excited for what tomorow brings as we had a great experience today. Day went smoothly and all of us kept our heads cool with different coloured and styled hats i think George Gwyne had a star on his hat:).

Bright and early start which some of us couldnt cope with, for example Shoj who should've awoken by 7 to get ready for the day, however he just layed down and relaxed like the Gorrilla he is.

We all had to be awake for 8'0'clock breakfast and get all our equipment bag down by 8:45 and leave, but we surprised everyone with a 8:40 leave. When we arived at spurgeons school we all wore our team/county flags as capes - the children were ready for our arrival and welcomed us with a wonderful welcome assembly which made us smile. We then walked to the front of the assembly only to be embarrassed by having to perform an unfinished Olympic mascot dance which went wellconsidering we had olli, charlie, shoj and george! with two left feet :D.

The next step was working with the children of kibera; this was truly an amazing experience as we did not realize how joyful and playful they were. The day had 10 mini-Olympics activities but each team only carried out 5 of them as the others will be done tomorrow.

The planned day was going to schedule as we were running the event effectively and efficiently......Until the rain clouds made a startling appearance which drowned our schedule down the drain. However it gave us a better opportunity to talk to and get to know the children as we entered their clases and performed dances, songs and games which delighted them as they were laughing and cheering.

After this we headed off to Kenyanito's house for lunch. We were served a lovely meal cooked by kenyanito's wife Val, which consisted of Dhall (lentils) and Chapati's which everyone loved, somepeople even asked for seconds (Scott Pulling, Pete Gwynn, Dave Atkinsand Adam). Then, noticing the rain had stopped we headed back to the School to continue our day's plan with doing similar mini-Olympic activities with the older students for the afternoon.

The older students english was amazing, and we did the same as with the younger ones. However we did finish with a shuttle run relay which had the two finalists country, China and United Kingdom. Unfortunatelythe UK were defeated, which gave China the opportunity to face UK's finest (the team leaders). The race ended with the UK's finest (can i have a drum roll please ..........) winning the race.

After this we left to go back to the hostel to have well deserved rest.

P.S. All the gang from kenya especially emily begley and katie burlingwould like to say a very happy birthday to Kate and Abbi who are 14 today and also to Adam, one of the CRED leaders.

lots of love Shoj and Olli and the Kenya crew xxxxx

1 comment:

CRED Foundation said...

Well done team, you're doing us proud :-)